Sunday 1 November 2009

research into existing products- thirller - 2

Eagle Eye
The scene first starts with a low angled long shot of 2 young male boys running along the sand dunes towards the bottom. Some non diegetic music then begins with an orchestra style sound. The diegetic sound of the childrens laughs and banter can also be heard over the music as they playfully race to get to where they are going.
The direction of the camera then changes as now the camera is in front of the boys instead of behind them, with them now running towards the camera. The camera is at a low level allowing the boys to easily run past as though it was not their. From this shot the clothes that they are wearing can be clearly seen and, we can see that they have on robe materials such as linen and light weight cotton. The colours of the costumes can also been seen, such as whites, creams, baige and browns. They are both also wearing brown religious head caps, with all of these factors such as the sand dunes and clothing we as the audience can now guess that this scene is set in a middle eastern counrty were light weight clothes are worn and sand can be seen everywhere. Their religion can also be guessed by the head cap that they are both wearing, as this is a known symbol of the Islam faith along with the dialogue of the boys speaking in a differant language that is not understood or recognised.
In the next shot the camera then changes direction again as though following the boys, this time though it starts of at a low level as though flat on the ground and rises up on a crane to a high angled shot over the edge of the mountain to reveal a long shot of a middle eastern style small village. The non diegetic sound of the music now climaxes and reaches a higher tone becoming louder as though something very important has been revealed by showing this village. The film credits then start to come across the bottom of the screen.
The editing then cuts to a long shot of a sand track road in the hot desert with the sun beaming down on the location, with 2 4x4 trucks and one town car travelling along in a convoy form, towards the camera at high speeds. The non diegetic sound of music now tones down and starts to slowly fade away.
The scene then changes to a medium shot of the villagers sitting around happily getting on with daily life. Children playing playing adults chatting and camels being loaded up for walks across the desert. The clothes that these men are wearing is also adding to the Islamic faith interpreted and the middle eastern culture guessed, by them wearing their head wraps and robes style light weight clothing for the hot and sandy conditions. The surroundings of the village can also be seen from this shot, with the location being very isolated and minimal in the middle of the desert sands and hot sun. The buildings are also very simple and basic structured, connoting that the area is not very wealthy and lives more of their own land and produce then buying from larger citites as there are non nearby.
The next shot is from the eye of a riffle gun with the convoy of approaching cars on the target centre, the cars are being watched by advanced technology which does not come from the basic and inadvanced villege which we had just been introduced to. This suggests that there are other organisations in the area and they are watching everything that is going on.
The editing then switches to the inside of a control room, of which looks like the goverment, as it is very luxurius, modern and comfortable for the workers inside, with multiple high-tech computers. These features also denote that these people may not be in the same location that we as the audience just were. The first diegetic dialogue that is used it the commander in charge saying 'we have a visual on a possible high jacking target' these words state clearly that they have a target that they are watching and their accent states that this is the American goverment.
The camera then zooms into a medium shot of the main screen, which is high-tech tracking system, which when instructed locates the target straight away. The use of this high-tech system connotes a very important operation is taking place in this scene.
The basic plot of the film has know started as they are now are into the action of tracking this target and so have now established the tone of the film.

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