Wednesday 25 November 2009

Our Continuity Piece

For our continuity piece me and my group member firstly decided on what we wanted in the piece and what shots we wanted, to make sure that the required three of Match on Action, 180 Rule and Shot Reverse Shot, where incorporated into it. We then drew up a detailed storyboard, which detailed each shot that we would use for the sequence and the action that would be taking place in each of these shots, with images of the actors and their movement used to indicate this. We then numberd them as to which order they would taking place in, to ensure that we kept to our original plan when filming the piece.

When we started filming, we firstly set up all of our equipment and worked with the camera and actors until we were happy with the way in which it looked. We then filmed the shot that we wanted and then watched it back to make sure that it was correct and had all the elements within it that we needed. We then continued this until we had completed the seqeunece in the order that we wanted it to be.

Once it was finished it was then showcased to the class and we found that the feedback on the piece was very good. The comments we recieved were 'it flowed well from one shot to the next' and 'it was a good use of the differant shots that we chose'. The constructive critisism comments that we received were ' the match on action could have been more clear and one of the shots could be re-filmed and amended to make it a better match on action.

Once we evaluated these comments we then decided to improve our piece by taking this advice and re-filming the last shot to make it a more clear match on action and also taking out the original last shot of the sequence to replace it with the new one. We then planned out this simple but very effective second to last shot and how we would make sure that it linked with the previous shot well in action and shot type and made sense on camera to the audience. Once we had done this we decided from which angle we were going to film it and the exact action that was going to take place in order to make it a full and clear match on action. The camera was then set up by me and my group member and we informed the actor on what was going to be happening in the shot and what movement and timing was going to be needed from them. The scene was then recorded how we planned it and we again watched it back from the start of the piece to make sure that it was correct and flowed well from the original scenes to the new one. We then decided that it didnt need any changes to be made to it as it was correct and we were happy with it.

The link for our continuity piece

1 comment:

  1. this is an excellent overview of how things went. you need to link the video now!
