Wednesday 9 December 2009

My Film Ideas

  • Six teenagers are staying over at house that they have rented for the night.
  • They decide to play a murder mystery game of cluedo.
  • Before they start playing one of them goes of to the kitchen to get some food whilst the other look noisily around the large mansion type house.
  • All of them return to the main room to play the game except for one.
  • So someone from the group goes to look for that person and finds them dead.
  • They return to tell the others who are mortified and question who could have done this as they were the only people in the house. They start to blame each other and get into an arguement.
  • They try to contact the police but the phoneline of the house is dead and non of them have any signal on their phones.
  • They decide to try and survive the night until the morning when the owner of the house returns.
  • The rational member of the group decides that they must all stick together and stay calm at all times.
  • As the night goes on this plan starts to fall apart as they each one by one leave the main group for the toilet, food and to move around the house.
  • The all start talking in their groups of who they think the killer could be within their group of friends.
  • The person that they think it could be is then found dead, ruling them out of the murder.
  • Another member of the group is also noticed missing from the room for a long time and they are now the target of blame for the killings.
  • This person does not return and their body cannot be found making everyone else believe that they are still in the house.
  • The three remaining survivors decide to all stick together to keep safe and so when one of them needs to got to the toilet they all go togther.
  • While this person is in the toilet the other two wait outside for them, but they start to argue and agree to walk away from a fight and return in 5 mins for their friend to come out of the toilet.
  • When they then return the door is smashed up and their friend is face down in the bath, they have been drowned.
  • The two remaining friends blame each other for this murder and decide to split up for the rest of the night as they dont trust each other.
  • They both survive the night untill the owner of the house returns and the police are called.
  • They both blame each other and are arrested, but as they are lead away one of them notices that the owner of the house has some spots of blood on their trousers and fresh scratches on their arm.
  • They then realise that this person is the only other person with a key to the house who knew that they would all be in their. They also know the layout of the mansion better than anyone.
  • Was he/ she the murdered


  • Simon is the school geek, bullied by the popular group
  • This bullying leads to serious depression and he goes to see a therapist after mediaction does not help
  • This therapist suggests that he start to blog his feelings and emotions as a release from his mind and not talking to anyone
  • He does this, but finds that he is bullied more for this and is ridiculed at school
  • Eventually he cant take anymore and deciedes to end his own life
  • At his funeral we fins out that he did have one friend that nobody knew about, this was the most popular boy in the school called Kieran.
  • They both kept their friendship a secret as they were so opposite and didnt think that others would undertstant their friendship
  • Kieran feels guilty for this secrecy of thier friendhship and starts to analyse himself and his friends who bullied Simon, which lead to his death
  • From this he starts to justify to himself why they should die and how he will kill then all
  • He then picks his victims and one by one he kills the whole group of his own friends who all contributed to Simons death, recording eahc death and putting them on a blog site called
  • Kierans own brother Reece is the dective on the case of these killings and he is worried for Kierans safety from becoming the next victim not knowing that he was commiting the murders himself
  • At the end of the film Reece finds out about what Kieran has been doing and asks him to explain himself
  • Once Kieran tells Reece what he was thinking and what they did to Simon, Reece decides that Kieran was right and does not arrest him
  • They go back to thier normal lives and live as though nothing has happened.

We decided as a group that Peekaboo would be the film that we will take forward as our main idea.

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