Thursday 17 December 2009

How all of the charcters throughout Peekaboo are linked

Simon- Secretly best friends with Kieran
Kieran- Friends with Becky
Naomi- Kierans ex girlfriend
Naomi and Becky- used to bully Simon
Reece- Kierans older brother and the detective on the case of the killings

Our Character List for The Opening of Peekaboo

Suidcide Victim- Simon
Simon is a very geeky charcter. He wears glasses, dresses smartly all of the time, and always has a book in his hand. He is very smart, achieving top of the class in all exams that are taken, he enjoys playing world of wardcraft and blogging about how he feels on his internet blog site. He is the victim of very serious bullying at school and becuase of this suffers from a very string bout of depresssion, leading to him having theropy reguarly. During this theropy he is advised to blog about his feelings online allowing his bullies to see how they are making him feel. He also has a secret friendship with the most popular boy in the school Kieran and he tutors him on a regular basis.

Killer- Kieran
Kieran is the most popular boy in the school. He is rich, good looking, sporty, well dressed and secretly very smart. He enjoys attending house parties, going out with multiple girls, appears to be very shallow and cocky but he is secretly very sensitive, enjoys reading novels, recieves tutoring and is Simon's only true friend.

Naomi- Kieran's Ex- Girlfriend (1st female victim)
Naomi is a very good looking girl, well dressed, popular and the richest person in the school. She is well dressed, obsessed with boys, best friends with Becky, likes parties, clothes, money and her hobbies are social networking being shallow and coming across as very cocky.

Becky- Naomi's Best Friend
Becky is and average looking girl, well dressed, very quite and always comes 2nd to Naomi in their friendship. Well of financially, popular, likes clothes, books, parties and secretly always fancied Kieran. Her hobbies are social networking and being friends with Naomi.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

My Film Ideas

Games at night

  • A teenage girl has a sleepover at her house with 4 friends
  • They all decide to play the Ouija board as a bit of fun
  • As they start to play the bad spirits start sending messages of death and murder and the way in which they would all die tonight.
  • They stop playing the game, dissmissing it as nonsense and not real. They start drinking and playing some music very loud.
  • 1 of the girls decides to go downstairs to get some more food and drink alone. When she tries to return upstairs she looks into the mirror and see something behind her it appears suddenly.
  • The girls upstairs notice her missing from the group and 1 of them volenteers to go downstairs and get her.
  • When she walks into the kitchen she sees the body
  • They then spend the rest of the night trying to survive the group of demons who are passing through the house
  • 1 by 1 they start to get killed as the demon continuously appears and then disappears throughout the film
  • The girl who's house it is survives the night to tell her parents of the demons.
  • When her parents return she tells them what has happened and they immediatly call the police
  • After their examinations they find that the girls all dies from knife wounds and so they blame the deaths on the girl who survived the night
  • She is arrested and put in a prison cell overnight while they continue their investigations
  • Her parenst go home and spend the night in their house, but they are both killed before the morning
  • The police don't know who killed them as she was in prison and so pass the killings of as an unsolved case

In the graveyard

  • A group of teenagers go to a Halloween house party and get drunk
  • Then they all decide to visit a graveyard
  • They start to vandalise the old grave stones by kicking them, throwing drinks at them etc.
  • They all start to walk away, when all of a sudden the ground starts to shake and the tombstones shatter
  • Then zombies start to appear out of the ground walking slowly towards the teenagers with their arms out in front of them making a groaning sound.
  • The teenagers try to run away from them and hit them off, but the zombies still attack.
  • The zombies start to eat the teenagers by pulling their limbs apart and taking big bites.
  • All of the teenagers are dead except for one who survives.
  • All of the zombies return to their graves accept for one.
  • The last girl standing walks home to tell her family what had happened. She enters her house and shouts for her family but nobody answers. The television is on and she can see the back of her mother, farther and also her younger brothers head
  • She runs in front of them to tell them what happened but only to find their throats bitten with big chunks of their neck's missing.
  • She turns to find the zombie standing in the corner of the room walking slowly towards her arms out making those grotesque groaning noises, with its arms out in front.
  • She screams!

My Film Ideas

  • Six teenagers are staying over at house that they have rented for the night.
  • They decide to play a murder mystery game of cluedo.
  • Before they start playing one of them goes of to the kitchen to get some food whilst the other look noisily around the large mansion type house.
  • All of them return to the main room to play the game except for one.
  • So someone from the group goes to look for that person and finds them dead.
  • They return to tell the others who are mortified and question who could have done this as they were the only people in the house. They start to blame each other and get into an arguement.
  • They try to contact the police but the phoneline of the house is dead and non of them have any signal on their phones.
  • They decide to try and survive the night until the morning when the owner of the house returns.
  • The rational member of the group decides that they must all stick together and stay calm at all times.
  • As the night goes on this plan starts to fall apart as they each one by one leave the main group for the toilet, food and to move around the house.
  • The all start talking in their groups of who they think the killer could be within their group of friends.
  • The person that they think it could be is then found dead, ruling them out of the murder.
  • Another member of the group is also noticed missing from the room for a long time and they are now the target of blame for the killings.
  • This person does not return and their body cannot be found making everyone else believe that they are still in the house.
  • The three remaining survivors decide to all stick together to keep safe and so when one of them needs to got to the toilet they all go togther.
  • While this person is in the toilet the other two wait outside for them, but they start to argue and agree to walk away from a fight and return in 5 mins for their friend to come out of the toilet.
  • When they then return the door is smashed up and their friend is face down in the bath, they have been drowned.
  • The two remaining friends blame each other for this murder and decide to split up for the rest of the night as they dont trust each other.
  • They both survive the night untill the owner of the house returns and the police are called.
  • They both blame each other and are arrested, but as they are lead away one of them notices that the owner of the house has some spots of blood on their trousers and fresh scratches on their arm.
  • They then realise that this person is the only other person with a key to the house who knew that they would all be in their. They also know the layout of the mansion better than anyone.
  • Was he/ she the murdered


  • Simon is the school geek, bullied by the popular group
  • This bullying leads to serious depression and he goes to see a therapist after mediaction does not help
  • This therapist suggests that he start to blog his feelings and emotions as a release from his mind and not talking to anyone
  • He does this, but finds that he is bullied more for this and is ridiculed at school
  • Eventually he cant take anymore and deciedes to end his own life
  • At his funeral we fins out that he did have one friend that nobody knew about, this was the most popular boy in the school called Kieran.
  • They both kept their friendship a secret as they were so opposite and didnt think that others would undertstant their friendship
  • Kieran feels guilty for this secrecy of thier friendhship and starts to analyse himself and his friends who bullied Simon, which lead to his death
  • From this he starts to justify to himself why they should die and how he will kill then all
  • He then picks his victims and one by one he kills the whole group of his own friends who all contributed to Simons death, recording eahc death and putting them on a blog site called
  • Kierans own brother Reece is the dective on the case of these killings and he is worried for Kierans safety from becoming the next victim not knowing that he was commiting the murders himself
  • At the end of the film Reece finds out about what Kieran has been doing and asks him to explain himself
  • Once Kieran tells Reece what he was thinking and what they did to Simon, Reece decides that Kieran was right and does not arrest him
  • They go back to thier normal lives and live as though nothing has happened.

We decided as a group that Peekaboo would be the film that we will take forward as our main idea.

Monday 7 December 2009

Analysis of Questionnaires on Horror Films

As part of my research into horror films i created a questionniare and handed this out to people within the age range of 16 and 40, as this is the age that i want to appeal to most through my film. In this questionnaire i asked the specific questions that i felt ranged in all of the areas of a horror film and that were the most important elements of the film from the audiences point of view. I also asked the questions that i felt were nessersary for the questionnaire. Here are my questions and the answers that were given.

1) What gender are you?
6 male and 11 female

2) How old are you?
16, 17, 18, 24, 30 and 38 were the most popular answers

3) How many horror films have you watched this year at the cinema?

4) What is your favourite horror film?
The Shining, Scream, Saw, I Know Who Killed Me, Halloween, Jeepers Creepers, Ring (Japeneese version), Audition, The Orphan, Nostfaratu, Haunting in Conneticut, Disturbia, The Ring,

5) How much would you rate this film out of 10 (10 being the best)

6) Who is your favourite horror villain?
Freddy Kreuger, Sada, Esther (orphan), Jigsaw, Dracula, Chucky, Samara (the ring), Jack Torrance, The Joker, Hannibal, Jason X

7) What scare tactics used in this film did you find effective?
Lack of music, visual effect, story, shocking gruesome scenes, element of surprise, psycholgical and physical torture, entrapment, sound effects, the suspense, masked killer, silence, wide angled lense, large empty spaces,frame flickers, screams, someone being followed.

8) Where do you prefer the setting of the film to be?
anywhere that's rundown and haunted, quiet countryside, big house, isolated and dark, old building, graveyard, inner city, forest, hotel, suburbs,

9) What type of horror film do you prefer?
  • Vampire 3
  • Serial Killer 8
  • Zombie 2
  • Monster 2
  • Alien 1
  • Other 4 (Ghosts, Religious, Slasher and Unknown creature)

10) What is your favourite murder weapon in horror films?

  • Knife 4
  • Gun 3
  • Chainsaw 6
  • Disease 3
  • Bite 3
  • Other 7 (killed myteriously, sword, tourture, ropes, machete, axe
From this analysis i can see that the most popular types of horror fims are a serial killer and the most popular murder weapon used in horror films are Chainsaw and other methods of killing people. From the other questions i gained the inforation on what details of the film are prefered by the audience such as the location and scare tactics that they feel works on them and their inner most fears.

From this inoformation i can now consider all of these elemensts when deciding on my final story for a film and what details I am going to use to make it effective and appealing to my target audience. I will also know what is most likely to work in the film and be successful and what elements are less likely to have an impact and make and be less successful within the film and the storyline.