Monday 11 January 2010

Locations used in Peekaboo

The locations that we are going to use for the opening of the film are going to be my dining room which as two doors and a computer in it, as we need all of these elements for our actions scenes to work.
The second location that we will use is my kitchen as this again has two doors and leads to the dining room. This is perfect for the final shots of the killer sneeking up upon the two female characters.
For the bullying scenes we will use the college classrooms and corridoors as these look like the school that these scenes are based in.
For the scenes of Simon setting up his suicide we are going to be filming them in a males bedroom as it is not particular where this has to be filmed.

Outline of the Opening Sequence of Peekaboo

Opening Sequence of Peekaboo

  • The main credits of the film will appear on the screen in white font on a black background. They will be typed on a computer, to open up the sequence with the computer theme of the killings in the film.
  • The next next shot of the film will be a medium close up of a computers webcam, which wil then zoom into an extreme close up of the webcams lense, as though the viewer is looking at the person watching the video. This again adds to the webcam and computer theme of the film.
  • The killers masked face will then appear on the screen, as it wil shock the viewer and also intorduce the main character of the film.
  • From this point the next 4 shots are qucik snappy and sharpe images of webcam images, mobile phone and a person horrified reaction to something that they have just seen.
  • Following these images will be photos that are going to be one by one placed on a table as though someone is looking at them from the cameras point of view. They will all have one male in them and this will be Simon, they will all be differant showing him and his interests such as computers, and school studies. This introduces the second most important character in the film and the fact that he is missed and being thought about by someone.
  • The next 5 shots will be flashbacks of actions that took place in Simons life and are very important to the film. Him being bullied in school,him being sad and affected by this and finally him starting the process of hanging himself and finally his gravestone with the screen fading to black. These shots will be telling the audience the background story of Simons death and the fact that his death is very important for the storyline and what is going to happen.
  • The diegetic sound of the typing of a keyboard can then be heard with the image of fingers typing, the camera then tilts up to show the computer screen typing the remiang credits of the film that were not shown earlier on.
  • The following shots will all be the action that will take place in the first shots of action in the film.
  • Two females will be seen sitting at a computer desk typing on msn and also on webcam being watched by a male friend that was seen earlier on in the film when Simon was being bullied in the coridoor at school.
  • Some scripted conversation can then be heard between the three characters talking.
  • The audience and the male can then see the killer enter the room behind the two girls but when asked who else is in the house they reply bysaying no-one except them.
  • Naomi then asks Becky to go into the kitchen to get her a drink. The camera does and match on acton as she enters the kitchen and starts looking through the differant cupboards.
  • The camera then changes into a steady hand cam and is from the killers point of view as he enters the room behind Naomi as she sits at the computer.
  • Sheis shown being dragged from behind and the male watching her on webcam can be seen wih a horrified reaction.
  • Becky then walks towars the comuter room and as she does the killer can be seen coming behind her. She is finally seen being dragged from behind and her screams can be heard.
  • The screen sharply goes black and blank. The tile of the film then appears being typed in white font. Her screams continue into this frame.